


Autumn 2009 JBWB Poetry Competition Third Prize

Our Neighbours and Us

by Jenny Bain


They had an immaculate lawn

and mowed it every Sunday.

We had a muddy football patch.

And daisies.


They had a neat new Nissan;

also immaculate.

We had a blowzy blue Allegro,

which wasn’t.


They had a fancy cocktail cabinet

with twinkly lights.

We had a battered book case,

and beer cans.


They had a three-piece suite with

scatter cushions.

We had squashy armchairs

with saggy springs.


Their kids played out in

white safari suits.

Ours wore hand-me-down jeans

with holes in.


They didn’t have a dog.

We did.

It ate their rabbit.


They were very glad

when we moved.

So were we.


©2009 Jenny Bain


Jenny would love to hear what you think of her poem - email her now


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