

Historical Novel Society

The Historical Novel Society has named Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau its critique and editorial service of choice.

Praise from Jenny's clients:

(all extracts from letters on file)

Dear Jenny

Dear Jenny I want to say once again just how grateful I am for your help and support. What I've invested in your critiques came back four-fold last year. Now that's good business! (Larry Williams - Kentucky, USA)

Dear Jenny

I'm pleased to say that I have now sold over one thousand copies in the UK plus sales in Canada, South Africa, Australia and continental Europe. I'm sure I could never have achieved this without the work you did helping me to eradicate silly errors and basic mistakes. (JM – UK)

Dear Jenny

I do sincerely appreciate your continued interest in me and my writing. It is perfectly possible that, without your confidence in me, I may well have decided to pack it in... (RLS - East Sussex)

Dear Jenny

My thanks for the critique, as always, you've done a terrific job. I've worked with American editors, and no complaints with them, they're good, but you do a top-notch job, and I much appreciate it. (CB - NSW Australia)

As for the detailed editing, it's obvious from what you've said that you've not only read my book, but you've read it carefully... (SD - Middlesex)

You're good. Your feedback was perfect. I made the changes per your suggestions and have a better first chapter - thank you. (SM - Texas, USA)

Your report was a joy to read and I very much appreciate the time and attention you have given to my work. I am also grateful for the constructive and inspirational comments and I am already revising the MS in the light of what you have said... (NS -Berkshire)


Working with you has been a truly rewarding experience, in so many ways, Jenny(and I sincerely hope to extend it into the next novel, your patience permitting), so the thanks should be all mine. It was a real pleasure to work with a professional. So, thanks, Jenny, sincerely, for a job well done. And thanks also for working late on Sunday... (JR - Queensland, Australia)


Have you ever made a decision based upon purely gut reaction? That is what happened with you Jenny. Pure guts. I've re-read the first two chapters and I feel very good about the decision I made to select you as my editor. You have made my story much more pleasant to read. It is permissible to kiss one's editor? (OM - Chicago, USA)


Your site is really professional. I WANT THE WHOOOOOLE SERVICE!!!!! I'm extremely impressed. Again, well done on YOUR wonderful site. I had a look at some of the links you suggested, but your site is by far the best. (DM -London)

Dear Jenny

Modern Times has been accepted by the MS Society. Any success I've had is purely because of your help and advice. (IH - Essex)

  Dear Jenny

…to let you know that I have had another story accepted by My Weekly… and you certainly helped me on that score. (AD-Bexleyheath)


  It would be far too easy for you to pander to the writer's fragile ego and tell him or her what they want to hear. Instead, your critiques are forthright, constructive and at times brutally honest - the very things the writer needs to grow and develop. I for one, would heartily recommend that any aspiring writer contacts Jenny Hewitt, gets to know her rapier-like sense of humour and dazzling e-mail rapport, and sends off their work for genuine and honest criticism. I only wish I had found you sooner. (JS - Aberdeen)


I was delighted to read your Critique. I feel I’ve made the right decision by getting in touch with you. Something I should have done a long time ago instead of plodding along on my own. The critique is most constructive and comprehensive. You obviously go out of your way to give most generously of your time and patience in dealing with writers who need a helping hand. (RE-Somerset)

Your critique of the work is wonderfully fine, insightful, and shows a dedicated skill and professionalism, which I rarely observe in any endeavor by anyone. I say this not only because of your proven talent and not because you have made some complimentary remarks about the story but because of the thoroughness and enthusiasm you put into your critique. (R.H. Texas, USA) Thank you for your swift response. It really is useful having your support. And it's encouraging to hear about others' success. (MB - Canterbury, Kent)

Thank you, for your editing and guidance and encouragement. I have learnt more about writing through your critiques than I have through all the many writing books that line my bookshelf. (GM – Singapore)

Thank you as always for your enormously helpful advice. As you could see only too clearly, I continued to make the same errors as I was making before I sought professional advice. (PM - East Sussex)

Delighted my short story will be aired on your website. The changes you suggested were right on the mark. I have made them, and already the story reads much better. Thanks a ton for your expert advice. (FR - California, USA)

Received my manuscript back from you yesterday. A big thank you for the very helpful suggestions and I am fired anew with enthusiasm to get going on the story again. (MK - Greece)



Jenny Hewitt


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See More of Jenny's Clients' Successes HERE

Copyright (c)1998- 2008 Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau

Jacqui Bennett Writers Bureau, 87 Home Orchard, Yate, South Gloucestershire BS37 5XH

Phone: (044) 01454 324717

e-mail: jenny@jbwb.co.uk